RENTAP`s Performance
Here followers can see how RENTAP predictivel model performs on MEGAMILLIONS.
Notice "REFERENCE" is the amount of hits achieved by any bettor (single or syndicate) using any strategy for a given set of Numbers. If a bettor plays 40 Main Numbers (8 lines) in a regular basis he/she will achieve 2,857 hits per draw on average. As you can see RENTAP is the only model able to escape that fate. The same for MEGABALL. In this case the REFERENCE is 0,32 hits per draw considering 8MB set.
RENTAP`s average amount of matches per drawing: 2,769
MEGAMILLIONS Reference: 2,857
RENTAP`s performance: -3,0%
RENTAP`s average amount of matches per drawing: 0,462
MEGAMILLIONS Reference: 0,320
RENTAP`s performance: +44,0%
Amount of Drawings: 13
(notice that every single players, syndicates, strategies,et cetera, gets 0 matches in the long run, according to experience and mathematical theory. However, as you can see RENTAP, gets matches above the REFERENCE, which academical mathematics could not explain)